When the dust has settled from the manic pre-Christmas months, there is often a desire to learn the lessons of another peak. With the dip in demand providing respite from the intensity of getting seasonal product out of the door, January can provide a great opportunity to review the planning and processes for the next surge of activity.
During this quieter period a full end-to-end supply chain review can be conducted. Priority can be given to areas where significant improvements can most easily be achieved and workstreams to deliver them developed. It’s a rare supply chain that won’t find potential for improvement in the long chain from forecasting to goods out.
For this reason, we often see a surge in demand for supply chain and logistics project management resource in the new year. Professional logisticians experienced in quickly determining the scope for improvement by looking at a data set, layout, people and processes, can bring an objectivity as well as their knowledge to lead a review or implementation process.
There is, however, a finite supply of good logistics project management resource. If you are considering a new year review, now is a good time to start the ball rolling. Taking soundings on the appropriate and available resource now, will reduce the risk of delays when the small window of opportunity comes around.
Davies & Robson have resourced numerous successful supply chain improvement projects. We have access to a wide range of logistics project managers, and the experience to match the scale and complexity of the task to the appropriate resource.
If you would like to discuss the scope, remit and potential leadership of a new year supply chain review please contact us on 01327349090 or at jcashmore@daviesrobson.co.uk