Consultants in Logistics

Warehouse Consultancy

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Warehouse Consultancy

Today's warehouse is a fully integrated part of the supply chain and business enterprise, margins can be improved, sales increased and customer expectation met. The opposite is also true; your warehouse activities can erode margins, reduce sales and irritate customers, getting it right first time is where we can help.

Innovative Warehouse Management

With the increasing complexity of warehousing and fulfilment services it is vital that businesses have access to the latest ideas, concepts, media, systems and processes.

Improve Margins & Increase Sales

Margins can be improved and sales increased through a range of techniques in a number of differing areas including:

  1. Warehouse audits: Does your warehouse meet the stated requirements? What areas should be evaluated further? Where are you losing money or sales?
  2. Process improvements: Are your business processes aligned with the warehouse activities?  Are roles and responsibilities clear? What are the business rules for each process? What if something goes wrong?
  3. Productivity analysis: Is your operation efficient? What can be improved? Does your overall productivity meet expectations?
  4. Revised layouts: Is your storage solution applicable to the depth and velocity of the SKUs you have in stock? Can the overall use of the available cube be improved? Is your layout helping or hindering productivity?
  5. Inventory Planning: Do your reorder rules meet customer availability expectations? Are you over or under stocked? Can you reduce working capital and improve availability?
  6. Velocity heat maps: Are you storing SKUs in the right area? Is your overall travel through the warehouse minimised? Are you creating unnecessary congestion points?
  7. KPI development: Are you measuring business critical activities and processes? Are you meeting the required targets? What should you be measuring and reporting? How can you establish consistent behaviour across multiple teams?

Working with Our Expert Warehouse Consultants

Our warehouse consultants have all designed, run, improved and managed numerous warehouses in varying industry sectors.  Alongside analysis tools, techniques and applications, we bring a wealth of practical operational experience to every project gained from years of experience.

Call us on 01327 349090 to speak to one of our warehouse consultants or contact us with your warehouse consultancy needs 

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