Consultants in Logistics

Warehouse Improvements

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Warehouse Improvements

Warehouse improvement projects can be the result of a failing warehouse due to capacity constraints or an exercise to reduce costs and improve service levels.  The approach is the same, a range of our standard tools, techniques and applications are used with the target output being multiple warehouse improvement initiatives, from easy to implement immediate changes through to more complex change plans all of which will reduce costs, improve service levels and be affordable.

Key Elements to Consider

  1. Warehouse audits: Does your warehouse meet the stated requirements? What areas should be evaluated further? Where are you losing money or sales?
  2. Process improvements: Are your business processes aligned with the warehouse activities?  Are roles and responsibilities clear? What are the business rules for each process? What if something goes wrong?
  3. Productivity analysis: Is your operation efficient? What can be improved? Does your overall productivity meet expectations?
  4. Storage media: Does the storage media (racking, shelving etc) meet current and future requirements? Can you improve the use of the available cube in the warehouse without degrading productivity?
  5. Operational layout: Is the flow through the building efficient? Are work and storage areas appropriately located?
  6. Velocity heat maps: Are you storing SKUs in the right area? Is your overall travel through the warehouse minimised? Are you creating unnecessary congestion points?
  7. MHE (Mechanical Handling Equipment): Is the current MHE suitable for the planned operation?  Can productivity and capacity be improved with alternative equipment?
  8. WMS (Warehouse Management Systems): Does the current system support the planned operation?  What functionality is required to improve productivity? Is the investment in new functionality cost effective? What is the payback?
  9. Automation and mechanisation: Can the operation be improved through some mechanisation (i.e. conveyors) or automation (i.e. storage and retrieval)? Will the likely investment in automation have a reasonable payback? Will automation help or hinder you operation?


All warehouse consultants employed on a project have practical experience in redesigning warehouses. Using standard processes, tools, applications and approach to layout reviews will ensure these questions are answered.

Call us on 01327 349090 to speak to one of our warehouse consultants or CONTACT US WITH YOUR WAREHOUSE CONSULTANCY NEEDS


Call us on 01327 349090

to speak to one of our consultants or contact us with your consultancy needs

Case Study

ERIKS: Supply Chain Strategy Review & Warehouse Redesign

"Davies & Robson provided an excellent service in developing a solution for us and then reviewing that solution as the impact of COVID 19 changed our strategy. As we evolved our property strategy, the…

Sally Hill, Supply Chain Director, ERIKS

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