Consultants in Logistics

A Budget To Stimulate Supply Chain Improvements?

A Budget To Stimulate Supply Chain Improvements?

The Chancellor’s announcement that leasing costs are to be fully tax deductible provides a real incentive to bring forward investments that will improve service and reduce operating costs within the supply chain. 

This benefit will apply to both larger capital projects or to a single leased robot or fork lift truck. This tax change, combined with a more stable looking economic outlook, is likely to sway many businesses in favour of operational and automation improvements.

It has the potential to decrease further the already fast reducing RoI timescales on many tactical automation and warehouse projects.

Davies & Robson has a wealth of experience in delivering warehouse efficiencies.

If the Chancellor’s announcement has piqued your interest in the potential of capital light automation or improvements for your operations, please call us on 01327 349090 to discuss how these changes could best benefit your supply chain.

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